Quality Real Estate Appraisals. Excellent Service.

No matter what type of real estate you have, our ongoing analysis of local real estate trends and formal training as licensed appraisers make us qualified to provide home valuations in Collier County for clients ranging from national mortgage companies to local lenders or individual businesses and consumers.

Leading appraisal experts for:

  • Primary and Secondary Mortgages
  • Private Mortgage Insurance Removal
  • Estate Planning & Settlement
  • Divorce Settlement
  • Tax Assessment Disputes
  • Residential, Land, Small Multi-Family Appraisals for many other purposes
  • Retrospective Valuations
  • IRS -Gift Tax & Casualty Loss
  • REO Valuations
  • Litigation
  • FEMA 50% Rule
  • Virtual Home Walk-Thru Tool in partnership with Appreeze

Appraisal Associates & Consultants

We are invested in the latest appraiser gadgets and gear to save you time and money. And first and foremost, we are conscious of the importance of professional customer service. We treat everyone like we'd want to be treated ourselves whether we're in person, on the phone or sending e-mail. Our goal is simply an unbeatable experience for our clients.  Experience first hand why we're different. Call today.

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